we're back!

we're back!

Hi Reader,

It’s been almost exactly a year since I last emailed you...

To celebrate that ghosting anniversary, I’m here with some exciting news: we are finally launching the Computer Says Maybe podcast!

Over the next few months, we’re doing a few topical episodes on chunky issues, and over time will aim to develop into a weekly or bimonthly rhythm. We’ll have rotating co-hosts and expert guests that help us deep dive into a particular topic.

If you’re keen to explore your area in conversation, please don’t hesitate to reach out by replying to this email.

Our first episode will be on AI & elections and it will go live in February. I’m super fortunate to be working on this with Julia Rhodes Davis and Prathm Juneja as co-hosts, and I'm relieved to be supported by Sarah Myles on production. We’re timing the release of the episode for after I meet up with loads of folks thinking about this topic at the Knight Foundation ‘Informed’ event, starting today. If you’re working on AI & elections I’d love to talk more.

When the first episode goes live we’ll email you. If you don't want to get that email or other newsletter issues from us, there's an easy unsub link here.

As for the newsletter itself, it will be more on what we’re learning as we research and interview people for the podcast. Good news/bad news: you will get fewer provocative, barely-researched issues from me.

If you are curious about what's happening behind the scenes, this is part of a broader shake-up for me and for Computer Says Maybe. Rather than sharing the occasional thought on the side of consulting for organisations, I’m going to be spending a lot more time in conversation with experts and explorers in this area, making and building things within the field of folks I know and love.

We will also be building out our (already lovely) team, and I will share more on this as things progress.

In sum, I’m back! And soon there will be a real ‘we’ here working together to bring you more and better. I’m super excited for 2024.

So please reach out if you want to chat about your field, work, or just noodle on where things are headed in the world!

More soon,


P.S Let me know if you or any of your people are in Mexico City as that’s now home.

If this was forwarded to you, sign up here.

Computer Says Maybe

A newsletter & podcast about AI and politics

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