
Computer Says Maybe

A newsletter & podcast about AI and politics

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Laws are like pancakes

Laws are like pancakes Hi hi hello everyone — we’ve just wrapped up our podcast series on FAccT. In case you weren’t aware that this series even existed and you now feel woefully behind, here’s a quick rundown: First I spoke to Andrew Strait about our favourite papers presented at the conference; it was a great chat and a good overview of what FAccT even is. Then I interviewed the authors of three of my favourite papers… In Abandoning Algorithms I Interviewed Nari Johnson and Sanika Moharana...

What the FAccT? Hello hello everyone — a couple of weeks ago I was at FAccT, and I read loads of interesting research papers, lots of which had relevant findings on technology politics issues, and some that were too wonky to really absorb. After spending a week surrounded by smart people working on issues I’m interested in, I have some thoughts on the general state of this type of technology research. If you prefer the medium of voice, I actually had a great conversation (at least I enjoyed...

Hello! You might have followed the sit-in of Google employees protesting Project Nimbus, a cloud infrastructure contract with the Israeli government. I sat down with one of the core organisers, Dr Kate Sim, to talk more about it. Listen to the conversation here! We discuss how the sit-in came about, how she distinguishes between moral and immoral B2B relationships with countries, and the role that employees should play in shaping the mission and focus of businesses. I’m still left with...

The Human in the Loop Hi Reader, This month we hosted our first New Protagonist meetup. This was a chance for our members to learn more about each other, and share dominant narratives that stuck out to them recently. We’re aiming to host these monthly so that we don’t lose steam in thinking through these issues together. Remember, if you want to be part of the New Protagonist Network, please register your interest here! 🎙️ New podcast episode: what’s it like to work in the AI supply chain?...

AI, what the hell is it? Hi Reader, People use the term AI to mean a million different things, and for loads of reasons: some people use it to point at the combined trajectory of new technologies; others use it to raise money from salivating investors who will fund anything that has ‘AI’ in its name; and some use it to sound smart at a time when it feels terrifying not to be in the loop of the new. But time and again, friends and colleagues have pointed to the fact that it’s not actually a...

we're back! Hi Reader, It’s been almost exactly a year since I last emailed you... To celebrate that ghosting anniversary, I’m here with some exciting news: we are finally launching the Computer Says Maybe podcast! Over the next few months, we’re doing a few topical episodes on chunky issues, and over time will aim to develop into a weekly or bimonthly rhythm. We’ll have rotating co-hosts and expert guests that help us deep dive into a particular topic. If you’re keen to explore your area in...